Lady Master Natasha:
Enlightenment in the Microwave Generation
You are a participant in the microwave generation, yes? So the symbolism of needing a
key to unlock a door or an ignition will soon become a vanishing symbol, for you no longer need a key to start a car, you simply push a button.
And so it is for human consciousness: this generation is looking for a button within themselves that might be pushed and viola, I am God once more and all illusion is gone. You are instantly awakened, yes?
It may or may not be so, regarding each individual's physical make-up, whether instantaneous awareness could disintegrate the self or heal the self or neither. Ultimately, you are seeking for every atom and every molecule, every nanoparticle of your being to vibrate to the frequency known as unconditional love.
In the Bible, twas quoted of Master Jesus that he said to 'love your enemies, for it is as though you heap coals of fire upon their head.' Would you understand the meaning of that? The frequency that unlocks the microwave enlightenment that you are seeking is the frequency called love. Not the verb. Not the noun. Simply the state of being.
It is because of the frequency called love that all things exist around you, though you do not always know it or recognize it. It is because of that frequency that all things are possible, that all things are able to be created.
Love is another word for All That Is.
Love is another word for Christ Consciousness.
Love is another word for God Consciousness.
Love is another word for Enlightenment.
Love is another word for being One with the All That Is.
When a spirit who has a human physical body seeks to awaken, IF that entity has not yet accustomed all of its atoms and molecules to being in the frequency called love, and it happened all at once, then for some it might be equivalent to being struck by lightning, where the body itself short circuits; it is unable to hold the frequency. And so the frequency shorts it.
(Is LMN reminding us that we might have the limiting belief "we must die before we can awaken?" Question your hidden limitations: Are you seeking that which will kill you? Must you die to awaken? Why are your atoms and molecules not able to hold the frequency of love IF it is the frequency of love that creates your atoms and molecules?)
This is a symbolism, but this is also a reality in the physical. If the physical body itself is exposed to something that it has not developed the capacity to vibrate in harmony with, then it is harmed. You can see this example in your outer world.
So, the purpose in the East of studying meditation and finding the times to go within and to be within is to accustom the self to the frequencies and vibrations of love. It is what you are doing when you enter The Peace.
When you enter The Peace, you are learning to accustom yourself to the vibrations of unconditional love.
You feel it, you crave it, you love it, and you wish to live within it, and so what is it that brings you out of it? Thinking that you owe something to the outer, illusory world that you live within, such as to a job, to children or a loved one, or to the unseen masses that need your help.
So the world in which you participate, this one in which you are listening to these words, is a world that has been created by agreement, by mass consciousness. But I LMN and the Council of 8 tell you that this world is the world of illusion, and you are still stuck living in this world of illusion, for you think this is what matters, for you remember living this life before, you remember living this way before, and what each of you are doing is
living what you were already doing, thinking, feeling in a previous existence. In other words, you are like an echo in this moment of that which you have lived before, and so at what point in your being are you able to know you have awakened?
When will you know, and how do you set yourself free from an illusion that has wrapped its tentacles around you: “Oh, but here are all of the things I must do…I must cling to all of these things….”
So what does one do to set oneself free from having to tend to all of the things in the illusory world?
One does that which we discussed in another meeting together:
One schedules the peace. One dedicates oneself to finding that love and that god within that is the white fire, that is the violet flame, that the pink beauty, that is every color of the prismatic rainbow that exists and every color of the crystal prism that exists. One seeks the place within where one is constantly in love with all of life in every moment under every circumstance no matter what the outer world seems to be saying to you!
The way the outer world gets your attention, Beloveds, is it makes you angry, or it makes you sad, or it makes you feel guilty, or it says to your being "I can be healed; please fix me."
it stirs up your philanthropic attitudes
it stirs up your nurturing attitudes
it stirs up your responsibility attitudes
and yet truly each one of those emotions is one that needs to be turned in on the inner self or your inner world IF your goal is to awaken from the illusion in which you are in.
What does that look like? It can look like many things.
One thing that it can look like is you still living the life you are living now only you are doing it with total conscious awareness, meaning you are aware every moment of your existence that you are god, and that you are living your existence that moment with full choice to choose or not to choose. It is not the outer world doing it to you. It is you, living in and through the outer world, as an experiment, as a joyful, joyful action.
Sing and be joyful unto the lord, yes? Find within your being that which you can praise, that which brings goodness and loveliness and wholeness and unconditional love into your life. Radiate that which you would have the world be.
You have heard the phrase, "Be the change you seek." What that means is that within yourself, you are the love. Within yourself, you are the caring. Within yourself, you are the non-judgment. Within yourself, you realize you are not going to get angry at the person in the car in front of you for what they have done, because they are simply an aspect of yourself in the world you are living in, in the illusion you are living in, and instead of being angry at yourself, why not love yourself? Why not love yourself for having moved quickly in front of another car and done it safely without causing an accident?
Why not love yourself for taking a break in the grocery store when you are tired and you've been on your feet for 10 days putting fruits and vegetables all in the right places and sweeping so that those who come to the store can have a lovely shopping experience and so that you might keep your job. Instead of looking at 'that person' and thinking 'they' should be working, why not be looking at yourself and thinking "Yes, I probably deserve a rest right now."
Why not be holding in your consciousness a sweetness for each one that you perceive to be outside of yourself? Why not hold a forgiveness for each one that seems to do something that upsets you?
You have heard the phrase, "Walk a mile in another person's moccasins." That is because at some time in your existence, somewhere, you may have done exactly the same thing, and if you could remember it, you could remember what you wished other people would say, think, or do unto your being. And when you cannot affect a change in another, and yet your heart longs to, look into their eyes and in your mind, tell god you love him or her, and then go on your way.
For all ways, always on planet Earth and on planets like your planet, the wisest among you seek a teacher. The wisest among you seek those who have been there and can be a way-shower.
Inviting a way-shower into your life
the button on your microwave.
For more wisdom from Lady Master Natasha, click here
You are a participant in the microwave generation, yes? So the symbolism of needing a
key to unlock a door or an ignition will soon become a vanishing symbol, for you no longer need a key to start a car, you simply push a button.
And so it is for human consciousness: this generation is looking for a button within themselves that might be pushed and viola, I am God once more and all illusion is gone. You are instantly awakened, yes?
It may or may not be so, regarding each individual's physical make-up, whether instantaneous awareness could disintegrate the self or heal the self or neither. Ultimately, you are seeking for every atom and every molecule, every nanoparticle of your being to vibrate to the frequency known as unconditional love.
In the Bible, twas quoted of Master Jesus that he said to 'love your enemies, for it is as though you heap coals of fire upon their head.' Would you understand the meaning of that? The frequency that unlocks the microwave enlightenment that you are seeking is the frequency called love. Not the verb. Not the noun. Simply the state of being.
It is because of the frequency called love that all things exist around you, though you do not always know it or recognize it. It is because of that frequency that all things are possible, that all things are able to be created.
Love is another word for All That Is.
Love is another word for Christ Consciousness.
Love is another word for God Consciousness.
Love is another word for Enlightenment.
Love is another word for being One with the All That Is.
When a spirit who has a human physical body seeks to awaken, IF that entity has not yet accustomed all of its atoms and molecules to being in the frequency called love, and it happened all at once, then for some it might be equivalent to being struck by lightning, where the body itself short circuits; it is unable to hold the frequency. And so the frequency shorts it.
(Is LMN reminding us that we might have the limiting belief "we must die before we can awaken?" Question your hidden limitations: Are you seeking that which will kill you? Must you die to awaken? Why are your atoms and molecules not able to hold the frequency of love IF it is the frequency of love that creates your atoms and molecules?)
This is a symbolism, but this is also a reality in the physical. If the physical body itself is exposed to something that it has not developed the capacity to vibrate in harmony with, then it is harmed. You can see this example in your outer world.
So, the purpose in the East of studying meditation and finding the times to go within and to be within is to accustom the self to the frequencies and vibrations of love. It is what you are doing when you enter The Peace.
When you enter The Peace, you are learning to accustom yourself to the vibrations of unconditional love.
You feel it, you crave it, you love it, and you wish to live within it, and so what is it that brings you out of it? Thinking that you owe something to the outer, illusory world that you live within, such as to a job, to children or a loved one, or to the unseen masses that need your help.
So the world in which you participate, this one in which you are listening to these words, is a world that has been created by agreement, by mass consciousness. But I LMN and the Council of 8 tell you that this world is the world of illusion, and you are still stuck living in this world of illusion, for you think this is what matters, for you remember living this life before, you remember living this way before, and what each of you are doing is
living what you were already doing, thinking, feeling in a previous existence. In other words, you are like an echo in this moment of that which you have lived before, and so at what point in your being are you able to know you have awakened?
When will you know, and how do you set yourself free from an illusion that has wrapped its tentacles around you: “Oh, but here are all of the things I must do…I must cling to all of these things….”
So what does one do to set oneself free from having to tend to all of the things in the illusory world?
One does that which we discussed in another meeting together:
One schedules the peace. One dedicates oneself to finding that love and that god within that is the white fire, that is the violet flame, that the pink beauty, that is every color of the prismatic rainbow that exists and every color of the crystal prism that exists. One seeks the place within where one is constantly in love with all of life in every moment under every circumstance no matter what the outer world seems to be saying to you!
The way the outer world gets your attention, Beloveds, is it makes you angry, or it makes you sad, or it makes you feel guilty, or it says to your being "I can be healed; please fix me."
it stirs up your philanthropic attitudes
it stirs up your nurturing attitudes
it stirs up your responsibility attitudes
and yet truly each one of those emotions is one that needs to be turned in on the inner self or your inner world IF your goal is to awaken from the illusion in which you are in.
What does that look like? It can look like many things.
One thing that it can look like is you still living the life you are living now only you are doing it with total conscious awareness, meaning you are aware every moment of your existence that you are god, and that you are living your existence that moment with full choice to choose or not to choose. It is not the outer world doing it to you. It is you, living in and through the outer world, as an experiment, as a joyful, joyful action.
Sing and be joyful unto the lord, yes? Find within your being that which you can praise, that which brings goodness and loveliness and wholeness and unconditional love into your life. Radiate that which you would have the world be.
You have heard the phrase, "Be the change you seek." What that means is that within yourself, you are the love. Within yourself, you are the caring. Within yourself, you are the non-judgment. Within yourself, you realize you are not going to get angry at the person in the car in front of you for what they have done, because they are simply an aspect of yourself in the world you are living in, in the illusion you are living in, and instead of being angry at yourself, why not love yourself? Why not love yourself for having moved quickly in front of another car and done it safely without causing an accident?
Why not love yourself for taking a break in the grocery store when you are tired and you've been on your feet for 10 days putting fruits and vegetables all in the right places and sweeping so that those who come to the store can have a lovely shopping experience and so that you might keep your job. Instead of looking at 'that person' and thinking 'they' should be working, why not be looking at yourself and thinking "Yes, I probably deserve a rest right now."
Why not be holding in your consciousness a sweetness for each one that you perceive to be outside of yourself? Why not hold a forgiveness for each one that seems to do something that upsets you?
You have heard the phrase, "Walk a mile in another person's moccasins." That is because at some time in your existence, somewhere, you may have done exactly the same thing, and if you could remember it, you could remember what you wished other people would say, think, or do unto your being. And when you cannot affect a change in another, and yet your heart longs to, look into their eyes and in your mind, tell god you love him or her, and then go on your way.
For all ways, always on planet Earth and on planets like your planet, the wisest among you seek a teacher. The wisest among you seek those who have been there and can be a way-shower.
Inviting a way-shower into your life
the button on your microwave.
For more wisdom from Lady Master Natasha, click here
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