Remember Who You Are.
Realize Why You Are Here.
Reawaken the Light Within.
"What is the purpose and the value of having contact with enlightened, unseen entities that may be invisible to your human eyes but are not unknown to your heart of hearts?
The purpose is growth, development, unity, and the fulfillment of the laws of Universal Consciousness (called 'God', 'Infinite Intelligence' and many other names).
In the beginning, there simply was.
There was simply knowing.
Knowing begat itself,
And knowing became who you are today.
You can, through your recorded and unrecorded histories, trace your lineage to the very creation of the energy that lives within all things. This energy is not a being as you think and understand 'being-ness'. This energy defies description and defies words, but it does not defy knowing. This energy is alive and pulsating and existing in every thought, every feeling, every physical body, every physical thing, and every dream or hope that you have ever had, every illusion that you have ever awakened from.
This energy is all pervasive, which is how religions were able to convince people that some powerful being named God, who was omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, had eyes and a mind that watched over their every thought, decision, and action.
Guilt is one of the emotions
that has been used
to control humanity
for many ages,
even prior to the existence of churches and religions.
If a person can be made to feel guilty, that person immediately separates his or her self from thoughts of self-worth and thoughts of being deserving. The moment you separate yourself from thoughts of self-worth and thoughts of being deserving, you become a 'lesser god'.
When you have become a lesser god, the thoughts and the feelings that you have no longer resonate with the power of your true self. Instead, you have become a 'little self'. Generally, what happens to the human mind once it has been formed into a 'little self' is that it begins to reproduce itself defectively. Thus the error is repeated and multiplied.
And so, over a span of time, you have a repetitive pattern that lives within the genetic material of which your physical body consists. This genetic pattern is passed to your offspring, who will have the same tendencies to think and feel and believe themselves a 'lesser god'.
We, of The Council of 8, know ourselves to be more than the lesser god. We know ourselves to be energy that has no boundaries, energy that has no restrictions. We offer here, within the pages of this site, within the caverns of your soul, within the requests of your beings, and within the wisdom of your hearts, your homes, your gatherings and your dream states, the ability to feel the manna of Heaven, to reconnect with unmolded, undirected energy, and to bring forth the greater god of your being.
The time on your planet has come for you to awaken to who you truly are, to remember where you have been and why, and to know where you are going.
So be it. " Shugala, Voice for The Council of 8
The purpose is growth, development, unity, and the fulfillment of the laws of Universal Consciousness (called 'God', 'Infinite Intelligence' and many other names).
In the beginning, there simply was.
There was simply knowing.
Knowing begat itself,
And knowing became who you are today.
You can, through your recorded and unrecorded histories, trace your lineage to the very creation of the energy that lives within all things. This energy is not a being as you think and understand 'being-ness'. This energy defies description and defies words, but it does not defy knowing. This energy is alive and pulsating and existing in every thought, every feeling, every physical body, every physical thing, and every dream or hope that you have ever had, every illusion that you have ever awakened from.
This energy is all pervasive, which is how religions were able to convince people that some powerful being named God, who was omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, had eyes and a mind that watched over their every thought, decision, and action.
Guilt is one of the emotions
that has been used
to control humanity
for many ages,
even prior to the existence of churches and religions.
If a person can be made to feel guilty, that person immediately separates his or her self from thoughts of self-worth and thoughts of being deserving. The moment you separate yourself from thoughts of self-worth and thoughts of being deserving, you become a 'lesser god'.
When you have become a lesser god, the thoughts and the feelings that you have no longer resonate with the power of your true self. Instead, you have become a 'little self'. Generally, what happens to the human mind once it has been formed into a 'little self' is that it begins to reproduce itself defectively. Thus the error is repeated and multiplied.
And so, over a span of time, you have a repetitive pattern that lives within the genetic material of which your physical body consists. This genetic pattern is passed to your offspring, who will have the same tendencies to think and feel and believe themselves a 'lesser god'.
We, of The Council of 8, know ourselves to be more than the lesser god. We know ourselves to be energy that has no boundaries, energy that has no restrictions. We offer here, within the pages of this site, within the caverns of your soul, within the requests of your beings, and within the wisdom of your hearts, your homes, your gatherings and your dream states, the ability to feel the manna of Heaven, to reconnect with unmolded, undirected energy, and to bring forth the greater god of your being.
The time on your planet has come for you to awaken to who you truly are, to remember where you have been and why, and to know where you are going.
So be it. " Shugala, Voice for The Council of 8
Who Is the Council of 8?To meet the group of elevated consciousness that seeks out souls who desire personal growth and are ready to be fully awakened into the remembrance of their divine self, click here.
Some Council of 8 members are Ascended Masters while others have never incarnated. They work hand in hand with the Brotherhood of Light. |
Leader for the Council of 8Freeing Consciousness Trapped in Illusion
Shugala is a universal provider, creator, and awakener for all flora and fauna of Planet Earth and other planets. As leader of the Council of 8, he seeks to awaken those who are trapped in the consequences of experiments in living. Click here to read his unparalleled wisdom and begin your ascension preparation. The Master teacher known as Shugala can guide you to finding inner peace. |
Ascended Lady Master Natasha
Peace Meditations and Gentle Wisdom
This lovely archetype of the feminine principle gently translates the macro into the micro so that all may easily understand. She is the ascended radiant expression of all forms of love throughout the universe and is the main spokesperson for The Council of 8. If you seek inner peace or the flowering of your I AM Presence click here to listen to her guided peace meditations, to read her gentle teachings, to download free mp3s of her sharings, and to download free transcriptions of her ascension teachings. |
The Unique Atman AnandaAllegorical Stories
This collective consciousness uses stories to awaken the inner wisdom. Metaphysics and spirituality infuse their easy to understand tales. Click here to read parables for spiritual awakening: Owning Like a Crow, Seeds of Hope, and The Shifting Roles of Leadership |
The Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries revealed

158 Pearls Spiritual Development Course
The Council of 8
Awaken to your true self. Remember who you are. Become one of the awakened instead of the walking dead.
The Council of 8
Awaken to your true self. Remember who you are. Become one of the awakened instead of the walking dead.
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