"Why not be holding in your consciousness a sweetness for each one that you perceive to be outside of yourself? Why not hold a forgiveness for each one that seems to do something that upsets you? When you cannot affect a change in another, and yet your heart longs to, look into their eyes and in your mind, tell the god in those eyes that you love him or her, and then go on your way." LMN
The Peace and the Three-Fold Flame Meditation
The Infinity Peace Meditation
The White Fire Peace Meditation
Are you ready for The Freedom Journey? If you desire freedom from addictions and habits that have trapped you, begin your freedom journey into Awakened Awareness by using Lady Master Natasha's
The Peace and Three-Fold Flame Meditation for one month.
The second month, use The Infinity Peace Meditation.
The third month, practice The White Fire Peace Meditation.
For a free transcript of the 3-fold flame session, click here
For free transcript of the Infinity Peace meditation, click here.
The Infinity Peace Meditation
The White Fire Peace Meditation
Are you ready for The Freedom Journey? If you desire freedom from addictions and habits that have trapped you, begin your freedom journey into Awakened Awareness by using Lady Master Natasha's
The Peace and Three-Fold Flame Meditation for one month.
The second month, use The Infinity Peace Meditation.
The third month, practice The White Fire Peace Meditation.
For a free transcript of the 3-fold flame session, click here
For free transcript of the Infinity Peace meditation, click here.
Ascension Wisdom
Lady Master Natasha
To read complete transcript, click on title.
Enlightenment in the Microwave Generation
The world in which you participate, this one in which you are listening to these words, is a world that has been created by agreement, by mass consciousness. But I, Lady Master Natasha, and the Council of 8 tell you that this world is the world of illusion, and you are still stuck living in this world of illusion for you think this is what matters. For you remember living this life before; you remember living this way before, and what each of you are doing is living what you were already doing, thinking, feeling in a previous existence. In other words, you are like an echo in this moment of that which you have lived before, and so at what point in your being are you able to know you
have awakened?......
The Love of God vs. The Love of Self
Beloveds, the Love of God is beyond the feeling nature of your being. It is beyond the mental nature of your being. Love of God is a vibrational state of being. It is a state of being that is a frequency that consumes your attention, your awareness, your focus, your future, your past, your present. It is the vibration of awareness......
The title for this evening's talk is not about feeling as though you belong in anything or to anyone or anywhere. Rather it is a play upon words: be longing. It is advice to the soul of your being, and the heart and the mind of yourself. Be longing for that which will lift you up out of the illusion of everyday life and will lift you into the awareness of the mastery of the entity that you truly are....
God is not an explainable energy. God is not an explainable anything, but God is knowable. If you, in your Infinite Wisdom, choose a thought and a feeling to manifest, then.....
Peace (and Miracles)
Peace is a centeredness in human beings; peace is a truth for a non-human being. Miracles are not miracles because they happened outside of the laws of nature. They are miracles because they happened inside the laws of the universe. Peace allows all seven of your bodies to vibrate at the same frequency and the same harmony. When they are vibrating thusly is how miracles occur....
The Realization of Happiness
The realization of happiness is part and parcel, as it were, of the journey towards mastery. However, mastery itself is not about learning and realizing how to be happy. Rather, discovered upon the journey to becoming what
you call ‘a master’ is the realization of happiness: the dawning upon one’s consciousness of what the state of happiness entails in any individual’s life.
Speaking to the Thoughts and Feelings within the Timeline of Self
I, who am one with the whole, am also that individualized aspect of God Self that knows it is the I AM THAT I AM.
Enlightenment in the Microwave Generation
The world in which you participate, this one in which you are listening to these words, is a world that has been created by agreement, by mass consciousness. But I, Lady Master Natasha, and the Council of 8 tell you that this world is the world of illusion, and you are still stuck living in this world of illusion for you think this is what matters. For you remember living this life before; you remember living this way before, and what each of you are doing is living what you were already doing, thinking, feeling in a previous existence. In other words, you are like an echo in this moment of that which you have lived before, and so at what point in your being are you able to know you
have awakened?......
The Love of God vs. The Love of Self
Beloveds, the Love of God is beyond the feeling nature of your being. It is beyond the mental nature of your being. Love of God is a vibrational state of being. It is a state of being that is a frequency that consumes your attention, your awareness, your focus, your future, your past, your present. It is the vibration of awareness......
The title for this evening's talk is not about feeling as though you belong in anything or to anyone or anywhere. Rather it is a play upon words: be longing. It is advice to the soul of your being, and the heart and the mind of yourself. Be longing for that which will lift you up out of the illusion of everyday life and will lift you into the awareness of the mastery of the entity that you truly are....
God is not an explainable energy. God is not an explainable anything, but God is knowable. If you, in your Infinite Wisdom, choose a thought and a feeling to manifest, then.....
Peace (and Miracles)
Peace is a centeredness in human beings; peace is a truth for a non-human being. Miracles are not miracles because they happened outside of the laws of nature. They are miracles because they happened inside the laws of the universe. Peace allows all seven of your bodies to vibrate at the same frequency and the same harmony. When they are vibrating thusly is how miracles occur....
The Realization of Happiness
The realization of happiness is part and parcel, as it were, of the journey towards mastery. However, mastery itself is not about learning and realizing how to be happy. Rather, discovered upon the journey to becoming what
you call ‘a master’ is the realization of happiness: the dawning upon one’s consciousness of what the state of happiness entails in any individual’s life.
Speaking to the Thoughts and Feelings within the Timeline of Self
I, who am one with the whole, am also that individualized aspect of God Self that knows it is the I AM THAT I AM.
Celebrate the Good Life
In this 10 minute clip from an hour long session, LMN describes what happens when a spirit takes on a human form at birth. Hope surges within as she informs us that there are places that exist without greed, punishment, and disharmony.
Free short recordings from LMN |
Free long recordings from LMN |
More Free mp3 downloads of Lady Master Natasha
Download a variety of recorded Gatherings with LMN to your iphone or your computer and listen at your leisure to her beautiful voice and incredible information as you learn more and more about how to maintain Awakened Awareness and become the free and unlimited you that you are meant to be.
Lady Master Natasha tells how she ascended
Peace and the 3-fold flame Meditation
Peace and Infinity Meditation
Guidance for 2013
Your Seven Bodies
Soul Gratitude
Entering The Peace
Altered Isness
My World Is...
In Pursuit of Happiness
Schedule the Peace
Why We Have Planetary Drought
Lady Master Natasha tells how she ascended
Peace and the 3-fold flame Meditation
Peace and Infinity Meditation
Guidance for 2013
Your Seven Bodies
Soul Gratitude
Entering The Peace
Altered Isness
My World Is...
In Pursuit of Happiness
Schedule the Peace
Why We Have Planetary Drought
Affirmations from Lady Master Natasha click here
An affirmation is the repetitive verbal speaking of wisely chosen words for the purpose of producing an intended result. The power of affirming words, combined with feelings and intentions is one of the secrets of creation. LMN gives examples from an Ascended Master perspective of the wise use of words and intentions.
A Decree from LMN for Beginning Each Day
Today I am filled with light,
and the power of that light which fills me
is exactly the power that is
the God intelligence energy that is in all things.
And in this moment,
that God intelligence energy
builds around me a shield of protection.
For I separate myself from the confusion that is now planet earth,
and I align myself succinctly and 100%
with my higher wisdom
and the higher wisdom of mother earth herself.
For united in our wisdom together,
I shall proceed through this day
and know that each and every person,
each and every element,
each and every idea,
each and every feeling that I come in contact with
is given unto me for a specific reason.
And I will bless that reason,
even if it is not clear to my conscious mind.
and the power of that light which fills me
is exactly the power that is
the God intelligence energy that is in all things.
And in this moment,
that God intelligence energy
builds around me a shield of protection.
For I separate myself from the confusion that is now planet earth,
and I align myself succinctly and 100%
with my higher wisdom
and the higher wisdom of mother earth herself.
For united in our wisdom together,
I shall proceed through this day
and know that each and every person,
each and every element,
each and every idea,
each and every feeling that I come in contact with
is given unto me for a specific reason.
And I will bless that reason,
even if it is not clear to my conscious mind.
LMN Invocation for Creating Patterns of Perfection
Beloved heart and mind of God,
We call unto you to bathe planet Earth in prismatic Cosmic Flame awakening light.
Fill the heart, the mind, the soul, and the elements of creation with your beauty, your wisdom, your alignment and your awakeness.
Fill them with your understanding and your love for even the least of your creatures, as it were.
Beloved light and love of all life,
flow now through this planet and through every thought form that seeks to have awakening;
that seeks to have awarenss;
that seeks to rise above self- imposed limitations that have kept the self from knowing
its grandness, its beauty, its perfections, and its power.
Beloved God that lives in the heart and the mind of all atoms and molecules of existence,
make yourself known in this moment
and all moments,
so that a planet such as Earth might rise in its beauty,
might rise in its harmony,
might rise in its perfection
as love permeates all aspects of consciousness
and moves into the laws and the cultures and the lifestyles of all who live upon this planet,
that it awaken in a blaze of glory,
understanding its connection with you, beloved Light of all things,
beloved Power within all things.
We call unto the heart and mind of your being
to ignite within us
All That You Are.
So Be It.
To Enjoy Lady Master Natasha's teachings in 158 Pearls, a Spiritual Development Course for those on the Ascension Path,
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